“Boscutti’s Orson Welles” Test Scene 2 Entertainment Tonight

Sketching out scenes is a quick way to get a screenplay rolling.
Not everyone likes doing it. Some like working out a beat sheet first and then fleshing it out, line by line. Some like noting snippets and dialogue on cards to see how they stack up.
I like roughing out scenes in the hope that they’ll either end up in the final draft or (fingers crossed) illuminate the theme. Sometimes they shine a light on what’s going on without me even noticing. Okay, a lot of the times.
You can see the second test scene below for the screenplay I’m writing on Orson Welles. The format is easier on the eye than the industry standard.
Tune in and share with your friends.
Television static zaps to life as a gleaming “Entertainment Tonight” title bleeds against a purple background. It’s the intro after a commercial break, backed by a synthesized fanfare.
Cut to the television studio with attractive female anchor MARY HART trying to look serious. Behind her lies the night lights of Los Angeles. Over her shoulder is a black and white still of a older man, smiling and bearded. It’s captioned Orson Welles 1915-1985
Tonight comes word that actor Orson Welles has died in Los Angeles at the age of seventy.
She wears a navy dress, full hair, shoulder pads, black necklace. The colors are over saturated, exaggerated. It could be the camera or the make up.
We’ll have details later.
Cut to male anchor ROBB WELLER backed by the same twinkling Los Angeles, a sea of lost lights. Over his shoulder is a color still of a smiling Yul Brynner. It’s captioned Yul Brynner 1920-1985. Weller wears a gray suit, white shirt and pale lavender tie. He is trying to hide his smile.
Actor Yul Brynner died of lung cancer early today in a New York hospital --
Television static twitches to a different studio shot with Hart behind a white desk, clutching her hands. Over her shoulder is a large framed color still of an older, bearded Orson Welles. It’s captioned Orson Welles 1915-1985.
Orson Welles, who made radio history with “War of the Worlds” and gave us the film classic “Citizen Kane,” died today of natural causes at his home in Los Angeles. He was seventy. Senior correspondent Rona Barrett is here for a look back at an extraordinary career, Rona…
Cut to Rona Barrett in the studio, backed by the dark lights of Los Angeles. She wears a violet dress, gold earrings. Over her shoulder is the color still of Welles.
Thank you, Mary. He was an extraordinary larger-than-life figure who lived life to its fullest. At age twenty-six, he knocked Hollywood on its ear with his first film, “Citizen Kane,” for which he won an Oscar for Best Screenplay.
Color still dissolves to black and white still from “Citizen Kane” when Welles as Kane meets the old newspaper editor for the first time. Barrett’s delivery is almost breathless.
It was a triumph he could never equal.
Black and white still dissolves back to color still of Welles.
But he did go on to leave his mark with such films as “The Magnificient Amberson,” “Lady from Shanghai,” “The Third Man,” and “Touch of Evil.” He was married three times, including once to Rita Hayworth, who gave him a daughter.
Color still dissolves to a glamorous 1943 black and white still of young Welles and Hayworth enjoying themselves in a nightclub.
In the last twenty-five years of his life, many of his film projects were left uncompleted.
Black and white still dissolves back to color still of Welles.
But he contineud to work steadily as an actor. In everything from films like “The Muppet Movie” to wine commercials.
Color still dissolves to color publicity still of Welles holding up a glass of Paul Masson wine.
But his name will be forever linked to “Citzen Kane.”
Cut to office scene from “Citzen Kane” with Kane in his gaslit newspaper office at dawn, a loose sheet of paper in his hands. Standing in shirt sleeves by the window as dawn rises. Jedediah Leland, played by Joseph Cotten, and Mr. Bernsetin, played by Everett Sloane, look up to him, worn out after a long day.
Newsboys can be heard from the street below. Kane starts to turn off the gaslight.
I’ve got to make the “New York Inquirer” as important to New York as the gas in that light.
What’re you going to do, Charlie?
Declaration of Principles. Don’t smile, Jedediah.
He steps to the desk, slips into shadow.
Got it all written out. Declaration of Principles…
You don’t want to make any promises, Mr. Kane, you don’t want to keep.
These will be kept.
He looks at what he has written.
“I’ll provide the people of this city --
Director, actor, producer, a living legend in Hollywood.
Cut to ferris wheel scene from “The Third Man” where Harry Lime, played by Orson Welles, grins at Holly Martins, played by Joseph Cotten.
A legend that will continue.
Cut to 1984 Directors Guild of America Awards. Welles is at the podium having just been presented the D.W. Griffith Lifetime Achievement Award. He shares the small stage with band musicians wearing tuxedos.
When I first came to this town I suppose I was the most unpopular boy in Southern California. For one thing, I was the only working member of the film industry who wore a beard.
Murmurs from the audience.
Can you imagine how shocking that was? Look around you tonight. I wish I could claim I have done as much for movies as I have for beards.
Laughs and claps from the audience.
Cut to Rona Barrett in the studio backed by the lights of Los Angeles. Over her shoulder is the color still of Welles. She is smiling.
The L.A. County Coroner’s Office is saying Welles died of natural causes. But in recent years he has suffered from diabetes and a heart ailment. Welles last role was to introduce a black and white episode of ABC’s “Moonlighting,” which will air next Tuesday night.
Television image shudders to a freeze frame. Sound of match being struck.