The problem with a good idea

A good idea can win you a bunch of awards, a salary bump and a notch in your belt.

It feels good. Until it doesn’t. That new status upgrade quickly becomes the new normal and you’re right back where you started.

Except the stakes are raised because now you have expectations. Or rather expectations are thrust upon you.

You’re going to be asked to repeat your award-winning idea by people you thought knew better. If you’re in advertising or design or communications (and these days, who isn’t), you’re going to be pressed to apply your award-wining idea across multiple sectors/industries/brands/clients.

At first you’ll think everyone is joking. Then you’ll worry the joke’s on you. And then you’ll realize they think they’re helping you.

Why risk coming up with a new idea that may not work when you can use an old idea that already has?

Because any idea that doesn’t involve an element of risk is no idea at all.

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